Rich Gossweiler
current date

Plog: Easily Create Digital Picture Stories through Cell Phone Cameras

Rich Gossweiler, Joshua Tyler
Plog is about communicating with friends and family through cell phone cameras. While current technology has made it possible to send pictures in real time, the steps involved make delivery improbable.
With Plog, we examined the entire photography experience and with some important technological modifications, improved the process. Plog not only allows you to easily deliver pictures in real time to friends and family, but it also affords:
video: Plog In Action

papers and talks

R Gossweiler, J Tyler - IWUC, 2004 -
Debaty, Philippe, Patrick Goddi, Rich Gossweiler, Rakhi Rajani, Alex Vorbau, and Josh Tyler, HPL-2004-180, 2004. 2004 -
talk: Social Media Talk for NASA Ames, Rich Gossweiler, Joshua Tyler, HP Labs, Palo Alto, 2005